iPhone App Development

Since its initial launch, approximately 1.9 billion iPhones have been sold worldwide. Apple has over 1.042 billion active users as of 2020, requiring any brand to have a significant presence in its app store. Having a tailor-made & enterprise-grade iOS application, you will gain a competitive edge and be able to address your major issues through proper implementation and automation while reaching out to the fingertips of the billion users. We at Proxy Infotech offer secure, scalable, feature-rich, enterprise-oriented and high-performing iPhone applications that are tailored to your business need and budget.

If you’ve decided to embark on a journey of transformation and looking for iPhone App Development then you’re in the right place! We offer Productive . Progressive . Proactive . Promissory Information Technology Solutions For Professionals to accelerate your digital ambitions.

iPhone App Development

iPhone App Development Solutions

Mobile Commerce
eLearning Solutions
Mobile Banking Solutions
Third Party Integration
Support and Maintenance
API Development

Committed In Delivering Effective Digital Transformational Solutions

Implementing a robust digital strategy can be a challenging task. You will require a partner which not only has Digital Expertise but also a strong sense of business of your vertical to drive bold and meaningful transformation. Our experience in working with over a hundred SMEs in a wide range of industries will enable us develop robust transformative solutions for your brand.

If you’ve decided to embark on a journey of transformation and looking for an Information Technology Partner then you’re in the right place! We offer Productive . Progressive . Proactive . Promissory Information Technology Solutions For Professionals to accelerate your digital ambitions.

Air Asia
Brij Cement
Kedia Organization
13 SAG Nepal
National Sports Council
NRL Laboratory
Chanakya Post
Corporate Khabar
Vijay Shri Steels
Brij Glass
Hasta Arts
Orchid Care Home
KM Coffee
Kwality Nepal

Get in touch with us and let us know how we can aid you in restructuring your brand for the digital age.